Healthy Goals for 2022!

 Creating Goals for A New Year and New Future

A New Year-A New You? Are you setting yourself up for some good changes for this new year? Many people take this opportunity to wipe their slate clean and have a fresh start. Given the trialing last two years, I think we all need some positive changes.

What changes, and how will these changes be made?

Focus on something you are passionate about that you want to change. That could be a great variety of things. It does not have to focus even on your physical self. Many do, however, focusing on physical changes like losing weight, building up strength, or improving the foods they eat. Whatever changes you want to make, break it into smaller achievable steps. This helps you to celebrate each smaller goal as you stay on track to your larger goal.

You can read my previous Blog: THE HOW AND WHY OF GOAL SETTING for more information on setting goals in general.

An example of breaking a goal into smaller steps like a goal of decluttering and organizing your home: You can start with listing each area you want to work on, one room at time for instance. Then divide it up into time periods, so that you are tackling one room every two weeks, or month, depending on how well you can work this into your work/home life routine.

I have been reflecting on what goals I would like to reach for this new year. There are of course several in many different categories. This can seem overwhelming as it challenges me to keep focused on one thing at a time.


To help me focus and organize my goals I decided to use a Goal Planner. Shamefully, it is one I bought last year and never used! This planner is called The Tapping Planner. Although, there are many planners with a similar lay out, this one in cooperates Tapping exercises to get past blocks, raise energy, move through anxiety, and address many other issues that could be holding you back. This planner helps me brainstorm goals, then prioritize which 5 are most important to me. Then I can further break the goals into smaller pieces.


One of my goals is getting my finances in better order. So, I can write down where I am at now, where I want to be in 6 months, 1 year, etc. Then I can look realistically at what I can do to make that happen.


Using the Tapping exercises helps with envisioning the goal with how it feels to have achieved it. The way reaching the goal feels and raising the energetic vibration of having already obtained the goal helps with the manifestation of it. Many people in sports do this by imagining already reaching the finish line etc. which wires their brains for success. Because in their mind they have already reached the goal, they know it is a true possibility, not a far-reaching goal that seems unattainable.


It is important to frame your goal with your WHY. Why is it important to you to reach this goal? For me it is important to get my finances in order so that I can feel calmer about money and being able to meet the needs of myself and my family. It is also important to me so that I can plan better for my future, saving for projects, vacations etc., without having to struggle as much to get there, or fear I can never do those things.


Positive Affirmations About the Goal 

Positive affirmations help reinforce the energy around the statements. They also help unwire negativity that has been preprogrammed over years and decades of loss, fear, feeling unworthy, changes, and hardships. Anything negative can be reframed into a positive. You can also make positive statements around your new goals. Then you can say them out loud, repeat them when other negative thoughts invade, and write them down on notes where you will see them frequently. For my goal related to my finances one affirmation is: “I have more than enough money to take care of my responsibilities with plenty left over to save and to share.” The importance in the statement is to build positive energy around the goal. Even if at first you don’t believe the statement when you first say it, over time you will feel more confident in the statement, and you will begin to see changes that make the statement more true.

Here is a link to some more ideas about positive affirmations:  40 Powerful Daily Affirmations to Strengthen the Self


 Share your goal with someone for accountability 

When you share your goal with a friend, family member, or coworker you are establishing accountability. This person you have shared with can now check in with you about your goal and see how you are doing at reaching it. This person can also share the goal with you. If you both have a similar goal, like a common one of losing weight, you can help cheer each other on. If you also spend time exercising together, you will feel more responsible as their goal partner to not back out, and show up for your exercises. You can comment below on goals you would like to achieve this year!

Reward for reaching small steps and the final goal, celebrate! 

Rewarding yourself for your accomplishments is a great way to repay yourself for all your hard work! It is also a good motivator at continuing on your goal path. When you know for instance that your reward for completing that 5K race you have your heart set on is a new dress, piece of jewelry, or a celebratory dinner with your family, you will see that in your minds eye and keep on track!

Make the act towards reaching the goal as fun as possible 

When you break a goal down into smaller portions, like weekly increments, or for the instance of weight loss every 5 pounds, you can build more fun into the how of getting there. Each week find a fun physical activity to help burn off calories. One week choose a new healthy recipe to cook, enjoy the process of cooking from scratch! Use your imagination and remember FUN is the key!

Place visual ques around your home reinforcing things about your goal

Placing pictures and affirmations around your home where you will see them can help you be inspired and stay on track to your goal. Reminders of what you will reward yourself with after you achieve your goal can also help you keep moving towards your goal.

There are many ways that you can break goals down, inspire yourself, and work your way towards even the greatest and most far reaching goal you can imagine.

For further inspiration, listen to this Podcast from Payal Kadaka - The Golden Rules of Goal Setting, her story and accomplishments are very uplifting. Sometimes you don't know how high you can go!

 “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

How to Manifest Anything with Energy! – This YouTube video features the amazing Bruce Lipton, who explains in an entertaining way how our energy and outlook has an effect on that which we manifest in our lives. 

Set your Dreams and Goals as high as you can! Just make them into smaller steps, and you can see you will be able to accomplish anything!

Dream Big!




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