The Law of Attraction - Is it Real?


The Law of Attraction - Can it Work? How?

Despite the Spring coming, it's been hard to keep in a positive mind frame for me. With all going on in the world, things feel more stressful. Our economy and society have become more challenging. Through these times, I feel that I need reminders of when things seemed a little easier. When they would just unfold and feel better. 

Many years ago, I was so frustrated with my job. I felt like every shift was so stressful. Constant complications and health events occurring in my patient assignments. It felt like I was attracting it! It may sound superstitious, but if you have ever worked in healthcare, workers feel like there is some mysterious energy that controls things. Like the full moon for instance, creates chaos in the emergency room, or a psychiatric unit. But even on a regular unit or care facility, things get wonky, no one volunteers to work those shifts!

So, several years ago, I had done a lot of searching and learning, on health, alternative medicine, meditation, energy medicine and the like. I began learning how when I chose to see the good, what was going well, when that became my focus, instead of my complaining about what was going wrong, frustrating, etc., things felt better. Things were better! I felt more at ease, my work went smoother, my days felt more joyful!

This is how the Law of Attraction works. What you focus on will manifest. So, when you feel gratitude, appreciation for what is good and going well, more good things are drawn in, and attracted into your life. 

It is a constant practice. I have to refocus my thoughts frequently to get back on track. But, let me tell you how quickly this works.

It helps to alleviate worrying and decreases my stress levels. I feel better, because my focus is no longer on where my body is hurting, but how much better certain parts of my body are working or feeling. I feel more energized. I feel happier.

I have let go of control over how things will be, how things will work, this decreases my frustration. Because the Universe has better ideas of how something can occur, I am not limiting how something can happen. I just open up to all of the possibilities that could manifest my desires.

Instantly, I see things manifest...I was awarded a gift card in a drawing at work, I was gifted another gift card for filling out a survey for my coaching school! On the same day, I realized I hadn't checked my lottery tickets I bought last week, I checked and won! Okay, I won $4 😂 but, at least I broke even on my investment! 

I recall a couple of months ago, I was trying to get back into gratitude, elevating my energy, thinking about the energy of receiving, and manifestation. Nearly all of the same things occurred, winning 2 gift cards, and like $7 on lottery, but I remember a slight feeling of panic, like the fear of receiving too much. Fear of something bigger actually working out for me. That fear immediately shut down and stopped the flow. Then I remained stagnant in the same daily struggle of worrying and not knowing how to achieve my goals.

Then the movie The Secret was on Netflix. I watched, I remembered. But it is a daily practice, re-centering my thoughts, my energy, on gratitude, letting go, and surrendering, and being on allow to receiving, while also trying to let go of the fear of receiving too much. If I believe it, I can achieve it. If you believe in something, so much, you feel it is real, you know it is possible and inevitable, you will see it manifest. Maybe not on the timeline we want, but when the timeline is right you will receive. 

The original Secret, documentary style, is available on YouTube. This has interviews with many people, and how they were able to attract amazing things into their lives!

If anything though, I feel less hopeless, less worried. I am able enjoy and appreciate what I have in my life now in this moment, and feel Joy and hope for the future. Which can be difficult in these times. So, while there is always greater things to manifest, things that might be a greater purpose, I can just focus on allowing things into my life that brings more joy and happiness in the now.

I hope that I am able to share this hope, joy, and better feelings with you, that you are able to have less worry, and more wonderful things come to you.


Tina Gates ​
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Gluten Free Practitioner

Redwood Whole Health Coaching


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