The How and Why of Goal Setting

Goal Setting - How it Can Improve Your Health & Happiness


 At some point we all hear about setting goals, most often during the New Year's Holiday as "resolutions." But setting goals is something that can be done on a regular basis. There are short-term goals, that can be something you want to achieve on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. There are long-term goals, that can be something that you are trying to achieve by 1, 5, or 10 years. 

     Goals are important for health and happiness. While being in the "now" of today is most important for being happy, it is also important for us to have goals to work towards. Making goals can be fun, you can think big and outside of the box! Goals give us something to look forward to in the future. Like accomplishing a long-term goal such as running or walking a 5K, or even something short-term such as cleaning out the clutter of one room in our house. When achieving a goal we have set out in front of us we get a great feeling of accomplishment. 

     Goals have great flexibility. They can be career goals, personal goals, goals related to saving money, paying off bills, goals to overcome obstacles, or even goals focused on family centered activities such as a vacation.

     By setting goals you are putting out into the Universe the intention of what you are wanting to accomplish. Goals written down and outlined into smaller steps if needed give you a greater chance that you will achieve the goal in the future. It sets your goal in motion. Making goals help you to create a vision for what you want in the future. Without having this vision it is easy to get caught up into day to day routines which may cause a lack of enthusiasm for the future, which may also make the present feel futile and unexciting. So, by having goals you can instantly increase your happiness quotient! You will have something that excites you to strive for!

     Setting Goals depending on if they are a large or long-term goal it may be appropriate to make them S.M.A.R.T. goals. What that means is that you set a certain criteria for the goals that outline them in a format that make them more achievable.

Smart Goals

  • S- Specific. This means the goal you want to achieve is specific. Such as I want to lose 10 pounds.
  • M- Measurable. This means you have a measurable way to monitor your goal. In this case it is the 10 pounds.
  • A- Attainable. This means that the goal you are setting is something that is realistically within your reach of attaining. Having a goal such as 10 pounds for instance, is more attainable for most people than saying 80 pounds. While 80 pounds may be a longer term goal, breaking your goal into smaller more attainable amounts may be more manageable at least to get started.
  • R- Relevant. This means that the goal you are setting is something that makes sense and is desirable to you. Losing 10 pounds when you are already underweight may not actually be relevant or desirable.
  • T- Timely. This means that you will be setting a time table in which you intend to achieve your goal. Such as I will lose 10 pounds in 2 months. In the case of losing weight you want to make sure that the timetable is within a safe and recommended amount. For instance, when losing weight the recommendation is to average a loss of 2 pounds per week. So a 2 month time frame gives you 8 weeks to lose 10 pounds. At 2 pounds a week it could be actually done in 5 weeks time, but giving yourself 8 weeks in which to lose gives you a buffer for unexpected life occurrences that could prevent you from meeting your goal, such as getting a illness during that time. 
     You can apply this format to any kind of goal big or small, short-term or long-term. You can be creative and have fun with how you will accomplish your goal!

     For more information on having fun with goals and setting intention you can also read my August Newsletter

     Goals can be something that as a family or couple you can even make together. This can bring in teamwork and inspire each other to work towards the goal. Share fun ideas for your own goals in the comments below! 

To read past newsletters click here.

     If you have thought about getting guidance at setting your own goals consider working with me as your personalized health coach. You can sign up here for your free health history session.

I thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and wish you a blessed and joyous day!

Redwood Whole Health Coaching


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