Surrender - the Answer to Finding Peace

Surrendering Is the Key to Everything

Surrender for sobriety
Surrender anxiety
Surrender pain
Surrender loss
Surrender beliefs that block you
Surrender that there is a better way
Surrender that there is something better
Surrender that inner feeling of not being enough, or not being loved
Surrender to the practice of loving yourself

Surrender is freedom from everything that holds you back, that keeps you from being free from all external forces that cause unhappiness and distress.

Surrender is freedom, freedom is peace.
Internal freedom and peace is true happiness.

True happiness within, regardless of all external circumstances is how you can accomplish anything and everything without as much pain or distress.

Sometimes finding happiness in things you didn't know you needed. Surrender to change. Surrender to your true self. Don't be afraid, for the universe has your back, you are never alone or unsupported. Trust in the path of peace within your own heart. Love yourself and share that love and peace with others.

Smile. 😁 Life is good.

We are all here to brighten our own path and shine it on for others who are also trying to find their way. Be the light. The light will bring peace to your own heart, and this will ripple into the hearts of others in the most beautiful way. 

We are all the same. Made of the same cosmic materials and all looking for the same answers in life. 

Surrender and be at peace. Like an impenetrable pillar in the middle of a storm that can withstand the most powerful forces. We truly are never given more than we can handle. There is purpose and lessons in everything we experience and feel. Even the most traumatic experience and feelings. Don't shove down the uncomfortable, allow it to go through you, show appreciation for it, send it love, thank it for showing you the lesson, and allow it to release and feel that peace. 

Release old patterns that hold you back from a happier peaceful future self. You deserve it. 

You can find many resources in surrendering for support. I recommend Gabby Bernstein's books: The Universe Has Your Back & Happy Days. As well as the many 12 Step books. You don't have to be an alcoholic or drug addict to appreciate the 12 Step process or benefit from it. There are many ways the 12 steps can enlighten and support everyday problems. Sometimes, dysfunction and unease can be hidden underneath everyday behaviors like being consumed in busy work that camouflages our inner imbalances. It's hard to sit in quiet and acknowledge feelings and thoughts that may come up. But not doing so is like being inside a pressure cooker without the release valve. Eventually, there would be an explosion. This can manifest as a fight with a loved one, or just an overall feeling of being under extreme stress, or depression. It can manifest as an illness, from as little as a cold to full blown chronic disease such as an autoimmune disease, cancer, anxiety, migraines and a multitude of others.

Sometimes we aren't even aware of any root cause of this internal imbalance. That's okay. We don't even have to ever really know. By using tools such as meditation, Tapping (also known as Emotional Freedom Technique), counseling or therapy, journaling as well as many others, we can begin to surrender and release things that hold us back from living a life that is free and more joyous. When we can find joy and peace within ourselves, we can share it with others and create that ripple effect that can elevate everyone around us. We are all worthy of this peace and happiness. Surrender to it. 🙏

Thank you for allowing me to share ❤️


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