Changes-What are they Good For?


Seasonal Changes

What is change? Change can be a cycle of letting go of the old. This time of year, we see change in the leaves, browning, turning red, orange, and yellow, and falling like feathers to the ground beneath. Mother nature has a natural cycle of recycling energy through the plants, trees, and grasses, back into the earth, this energy then decomposes back into other forms that regrow in the spring. Without this process nothing would renew. There wouldn’t be any room for anything new or beautiful.


Now is a good time to consider what's not working and letting go of things that you no longer need or no longer serves you- be it an item, job, idea or belief, a relationship or way of living. This let's go of stagnant energy, which then opens energy up for something better and new. 


It is sometimes scary to let go of what is familiar, it can give a false sense of being safe. Ask yourself if things could be different…what would you like things to be like? You can ask yourself this without even letting go of anything at first. Just get comfortable with the idea, get familiar with what your hopes and dreams are. Maybe they are dreams you had long forgotten about, or hopes that you had lost faith in.  


You can adjust to change quickly or slowly. Like how sometimes it's better to just rip the band-aid off, quickly may be the way to go in certain circumstances. Other times making a small change, standing back, feeling how that change feels, one step at a time, one day at a time.  


Only you know which method will work for you. Sometimes it may even be a combination. You may make a big change quickly, then some other small changes gradually.  


You can start by cleaning out a closet or small area of your home. Pitch out anything that you haven't used in 6 months to a year. Repurpose or donate items that still have life left.  


I have found that when I made a bigger change in my life, like a new position at work that had more responsibility and different hours, other things in my life that were essentially stuck began to fall away effortlessly. Making a bigger change like that can induce fear and anxiety, energy like that can feed stuck energy. Because you are then afraid to change anything. The saying goes "feel the fear and do it anyway." That's what I did, and I'm so much better off for it! 


Making changes at work helped me really let go of a relationship that was not working. I was able to let go with so much less stress, and was able to do so without regret, and without feeling like I was suffering a loss. The realization that it was already over and finding the relief and positive side of it ending. I'm not saying things will be painless, but you just start to see better what you want and don't want anymore and have the confidence to make the changes that bring in better opportunities, better balance, and more joy.

 Ultimately, isn’t that what we all want? More joy, more freedom, more change! Without change life would be rather dull and boring, wouldn’t it?


Feel free to share some changes in the comments below, either planned or unexpected that impacted you in a positive way. Sometimes the change comes that we will initially think is a bad thing, but once past it realize it was the best thing that could have happened.


If you are interested in making change, but do not know where to start you can sign up with me for a free health history consultation and we can begin to plan for your new YOU and find your JOY!



Redwood Whole Health Coaching


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