Summer Fun & Vacation time!


It is now summer! Although this week had a rather rainy start. Since our spring was so dry, it was much needed. We have gone already through an eclipse, and now a full moon. Many have already taken or will be taking vacations soon. This is such a pivotal time to do this. After being basically homebound for a year and a half, many stir crazy families are very much looking forward to going somewhere and even visiting family they have not seen in a long time!

Things to think about to keep you safe in your travels:

Adequate sleep:

This is most important to your bodies ability to maintain a healthy immune system. If you think back to a time when you became sick with a flu or a cold, many times you can remember being completely depleted in good sleep just prior. Sleep is essential for your body to process many things, and helps move toxins out of your body, filtering through your kidneys and other filtration organs. Without sleep this process gets halted or does not get to finish. This decreases your body’s ability to adequately protect you against any new oncoming toxins, viruses, or insults to your body. Traveling can alter your ability to sleep due to traveling schedules, sleeping in a different bed, or even with a different pillow. So, think about those things that help you sleep well at night and try to make it your best. Routine wake/sleep cycles can help maintain healthful sleep. Consider your diet as well, too much caffeine and sugar (which many of us can indulge in while on vaca) can impact your body’s ability to fall asleep.


Adequate hydration, mostly from water and food sources also help your body’s filtration system. This is what helps these toxins move through your body, not getting stuck in other organs or in your blood and lymph. It is important to make sure to drink 2.2-3 liters of water per day, or half your weight (in pounds) in ounces. For example: if you weigh 150 pounds you would need to drink 75 ounces per day of water, which is just a little over 2 liters. You need to consider increased heat, elevation or activity though, and increase your intake of water so you do not become dehydrated.


Holiday/vacations are a fun time. Many consider this a time to splurge or explore with their diet. Having fun trying new foods can be enjoyable. Be careful to not get too off of a food plan that has been working for you. If you were following a particular dietary plan at home, changing it up too much when traveling can have consequences making you feel quite miserable. Stick to avoiding any foods you wouldn’t normally eat like gluten or dairy if that is something you were routinely avoiding. Give yourself a good variety of fruits and vegetables to round out your meals. If you are traveling outside of your country be aware fresh foods may be washed with local water, which could contain microbes your body is not used to and could cause dysentery (diarrhea). As with anything moderation is key to avoid any pitfalls of treating yourself to foods you would normally avoid or limit. Have fun, enjoy, but be mindful of how your body is feeling.


Many people while on vacation may be more active than they are when they are home, but this is not always true. Remember to take walks daily, get some fresh air. If traveling by car or plane for long distances take breaks and walk around to prevent developing blood clots from not being able to move your legs for long periods of time. This could result in something called DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis. Signs of this could be pain in your legs or calf, worsening with activity, any redness or swelling to your legs. Sometimes this could be limited to the calves, but can be behind the knees, or in your thighs. If you notice any of these symptoms seek medical attention. This could lead to a much more serious and emergent condition known as pulmonary embolism or PE if left untreated. This could result in extreme shortness of breath and cause further damage to your lungs and can be life threatening. This is caused from a clot breaking loose from somewhere in your legs and traveling to your lungs which decreases your lungs ability to adequately oxygenate. 

Whatever activities you do while on vacation making them fun and involving family will make them much more memorable and enjoyable. Take time to enjoy what it is you're doing, don't rush through your days. Take time to stop and enjoy the sunrise or sunset!


In this time of loosening of restrictions, getting back to a new normal, many are worried about what precautions to continue. Do what makes sense and is most comfortable to you and your family. Washing hands before eating, after using the bathroom, after participating in higher risk activities or in places where more people may have touched surfaces. Also, remember if you or your family members are not feeling well, having coughing, fevers, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, you should avoid being out and around other people. If the symptoms seem to worsen or feel severe seek medical attention. 

Consider whatever the recommended precautions are being enforced in the area you are visiting or place of business, follow the recommendations to your comfort level. If they say masks aren't required, but you aren't comfortable with that, wear your mask. If you aren't ready to be in bigger crowds stick to activities that don't involve them. 

Fear itself can also decrease the body's ability to maintain it's immune response. Feeling excessively worried about anything, can increase the chances that whatever it is could occur. Whether it is an organic physical condition, or something as mundane as missing a bus. If you fear being late, that is the day your alarm clock doesn't go off. If you fear not having enough money to pay all of your bills this month, is when an unexpected bill shows up, or some hours get shorted from your check. I am not saying to be reckless, but keeping your caution to a relative level. Use common sense and good judgement. 

Meditation or Mindfulness:

By incorporating regular meditation or mindfulness into a daily practice you can reduce your body's stress levels and build it's ability to protect you from increased stress which helps protect your immune response. This can be taking 5-20 minutes every morning to quietly meditate with our without a guided method, or taking a mindful minute to take some deep breaths on and off throughout your day  Some people enjoy meditative or mindful walks in nature, around their block, with their pets, or to even sit outside and quietly reflect. This is so good to just connect with your inner self. It doesn't require you to think or contemplate anything, you can just relax your mind and thoughts letting them flow through you, not giving any focus to any one thing. By doing this you are actually decreasing your body's stress response which deceases the levels of the stress hormone cortisol being released into your body. When too much cortisol is being pumped out like you are being chased by a tiger, you are actually decreasing your body's energy from continuing to build protective immune responses. Because if you are eaten by a tiger your immune response is no longer needed. So, it diverts its attention to the immediate threat of the tiger eating you. This is also why fear decreases your immune response.

The main benefit though, of meditation and mindfulness is a peacefulness that you build over time that allows you to reflect on situations before you respond. This helps you to respond more appropriately without causing problems or hurt to yourself, your loved ones, or anyone you come in contact with. It helps to bring a calmness to all situations, and a feeling of well-being within you that increases your happiness and joy no matter what is going on around you. Try it 😊


Most of all have FUN! Try new things, laugh, play, enjoy yourself, your time and your family and friends. Laughing, playing games, trying new activities can rejuvenate your spirit and soul. Take time to just be with those you love, be in the moment. Vacation time is fleeting, and flies by before you know it. Don’t worry about packing in too many specific things into your schedule, leave room for spontaneous activities or time to just relax and enjoy the view around you.


In all things to stay healthy is a balance within your body, mind and spirit. By taking care physically of a balance between your sleep, hydration, diet, exercise, safety, mindfulness, and fun, you can lay a foundation for your being that helps maintain a balance of all things. This helps build and protect your immune systems ability to maintain a resilience against all things that may stress your physical body, as well as what may stress your mental body. Most importantly be in happiness and have some fun! 

I hope you have time to enjoy yourself, family and friends. That your holidays are filled with hope and joy. Each moment is precious, every breath, every smile, every laugh, every embrace to a loved one. Exude joy in all you do, and it will come back to you in the most beautiful ways you never expect.


Take care 🌼


Redwood Whole Health Coaching

The resources shared are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any type of disease.
The ideas expressed are the sole opinion of Redwood Whole Health Coaching.


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