Building Strong Roots for Wellness


A Story of a Tree & How it teaches Us How to be Healthy & Strong

 Recently, one of my sons took me to see a tree. Two of my sons work with Landscaping and Trees which hold great intrigue. My son had found a location near to us of Illinois' Largest Tree, an Eastern Cottonwood tree located at Bald Hill Prairie in Oregon Illinois. So, on a very windy warm day we ventured through the path on the prairie, up and down the very hilly landscape until we reached this tree. The deafening wind was so strong it pushed against us as we approached. This path was 100 feet lower in elevation than where we started, I am not sure how many feet away, but it was a bit of a trek.

Finally reaching this tree, which was at the bottom of rolling hills, in a narrow crook that looked as though it had at one time a creek going through it, it was more than apparent that this tree was exceptionally mature and is reported to have a circumference of 29 feet. How old could this tree be? They estimate the tree to be 200 years old! Its branches reaching around 122 feet into the sky. (Just in time for Arbor Day, new preserve lays Claim to Illinois' Biggest Tree).

Now you may ask, what does this have to do with my health? You can look at trees and find commonalities in what makes them live so long and the way in which many humans can also live long and healthy lives. The biggest trees known have one thing in common, a strong and healthy root system. This gives trees the ability to obtain nourishment from the soil and water sources, while also giving a strong hold to the earth to be able to sustain themselves from being uprooted in high winds and fierce weather. Trees also live a symbiotic life with other lifeforms from insects to birds, squirrels, and other animals. Trees must also adapt to changing weather in the four seasons: from extreme heat to unbearable frigid temperatures.

    We can look at these things that help the tree to grow great and strong and live a long life and compare that to things in our own lives that help promote that kind of balance and resiliency. To maintain good health, it is important to have a good foundation.

For us humans, that foundation (Roots) contains 6 key elements

·         Sleep-this provides our bodies much needed restoration and while we sleep many body functions are going on that is allowing for metabolism, detoxification, and brain processing experiences from short-term to long-term and assimilating those experiences into our being.

·         Hydration- Water, by maintaining good hydration many things within your body will be helped. Without proper hydration you can suffer migraines, fatigue, & electrolyte imbalances among other things.

·         Nourishment- also known as diet. Getting a good variety of foods with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals or bodies can function at their highest capabilities which allow for healing, improved immune function and fuel to withstand physical and mental demands throughout the day.

·         Community-friends, family, coworkers, & neighbors. These relationships help us feel joy, happiness, pleasure, satisfaction, belonging, & give us insight into ourselves even.

·         Purpose- finding something that you are passionate about, from your career to your family, to a calling, something that makes you feel like you are helping others, contributing to a purpose, giving back to your community etc. having this sense of purpose can help bring something to your life that feeds your soul.

·         Spirituality-while for some this is a sense of belonging to a specific religion, for others it is measured in their sense of their connection to the Universe and how they feel they fit within it. This is something you can participate with others as in going to a Church, Chapel, Synagogue or Temple. It is also something sacred that you connect with in your own home, yard, or anywhere you can take a moment to be mindful and at peace.

These 6 elements are the basis of our foundation or “roots” to our health, livelihood, and well-being. If you feel your life is not as balanced as you like, or you are struggling with some aspects that don’t feel like they are making you happy, you can look to these elements and see where you are lacking. Honestly, sometimes sleep is our biggest barrier. In this day and age getting good sleep is something that is difficult for most to maintain.

Connecting yourself to nature and the earth can also help you feel more stable and grounded. You can learn to do this easily. Going outside, walking in the grass without shoes or socks, getting some of your Vitamin D from the Sun, can help you tremendously. If you would like to know more about Grounding you can learn how to Ground yourself by “Earthing” here.

Only when the tree has what it needs to be strong can it give back to the world: the birds insects, squirrels, producing Oxygen into the air etc. This is why self-care is so important.  
If we do not care well for ourselves, we cannot help others, or caring for others will deplete our well-being.  


It's okay to have boundaries for yourself. It's okay to say no when you feel you're getting tapped out. You can kindly decline and take time to recharge yourself. Everything in life has a delicate balance. Giving too much can ultimately cause exhaustion, set up for illness, emotional distress and more.  

If you are looking for more balance in your life and aren’t sure where to start feel free to contact me and we can meet for a free 1 hour health history consultation and make a plan for you.

Please share any things that you have found that help you build a better Root system for yourself below.

Peace and Wellness to you and yours,




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