Groundhog's Day and Opportunity for a New Outlook


Commonly at the beginning of a new year we tend to look at things we want to change or improve in our lives. Never more so than this year, I believe. With last year changing so much for so many, causing us to live our lives in a completely different way. One way to take a step forward in changing something to improve our life is through the method of surrender.


Do you ever feel like you're stuck? Do you ever feel like you're doing the same thing over and over every day, and you can't figure out how to get to your next best thing? 


The movie Groundhog's Day is a wonderful metaphor for life, finding yourself stuck, and the evolution of the journey within that gets you through to manifest your desires.  


If you have never seen this movie, I greatly encourage you to watch it. I will however be sharing some spoilers here. 


The movie begins with the main character going about his everyday life as a TV reporter who for the fourth year is to broadcast from the annual Groundhog's Day festival. He is almost annoyed at having to do this, it is not something he enjoyed or looked forward to. He then finds himself stuck, repeating this very day over and over countless times.


This movie takes us through all the stages of emotions, from non-belief about what is happening, to anger and frustration. This is reflected in his interactions with others throughout the movie. Eventually he becomes so distraught by the inability to get past this day and on to the next he becomes unhinged and loses all hope. After moving through this hopelessness loop for many days in a row, the Character then begins to evolve. He begins to embrace this time he is given by finding new things he can learn, new things he can do, and also by helping others.


It is only when he moves into acceptance, and lets go of trying to control the situation, where he begins to be on allow, and finds ways in which he can be of service to others. He then stops focusing on how to even get to tomorrow where he can finally move forward, and surrenders. On this final day of the cycle, he begins to look at what is good in the moment of the day, being thankful and grateful for that moment, then he transforms through and finally gets to the next day.


Many of us continue to struggle with what we don’t like in our lives, and find ourselves stuck with how to move on, or move forward. Sometimes, the only way to move forward is to let go of the resistance of what we don’t have. To stop focusing on the negative, and appreciate each and every good, fun, and blessed thing & person that we come in contact with.


Take a new look at things in your everyday life. Look at them from new and fresh eyes. Be thankful for everything, look at how every moment and interaction are an opportunity to learn, to love, to share, to have fun. It will soon be amazingly clear how good everything already is. Not to say you cannot plan for a different future, plan for changes, look forward to what you may experience in the future. But do not let your future cloud over where you are right now in this moment. Everything in your life has led to where you are now. Let go and surrender any worry, any fears, and any expectations of what you think your future may hold. When you do, and step into your future, it just may surprise you more than you could have imagined.


Have you ever experienced letting go of something, and found it brought something in better than you expected? Feel free to leave a comment and share it.


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