What I am Reading Right Now


How did it get to be September already? Time seems to have zoomed by, although for many other reasons it also felt like it was dragging on forever! I hope you have been able to stay healthy and active during this physical distancing time.

While this has put many people out of work, or working from home, or working reduced hours, I have managed to continue working full-time as an essential health care worker. While that is truly fortunate for me, it has not allowed for much downtime or relaxation. However, I have been able to continue with my love of reading. I am always reading 4 or more books at a time, and have a greater stack of books in waiting. I have different moods for different books, so I switch back and forth rather than going from start to finish on one, and then start on another. Maybe it has to do with an inability to stay focused, or being easily distracted. *wink*

I would like to share with you a few things I have been reading right now. My taste in reading is generally non-fiction, self-help, and health related genre.

What I am reading:

“Free Your Fascia” by Dr. Daniel Fenster-he discusses this “hidden organ” the how and why of its dysfunction and cause of pain, along with ways in which to relieve and prevent further problems. It’s helping me think of Fibromyalgia in a whole new way! The book contains many exercises and stretches to help the fascia which decreases pain and increases your functionality. 

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. Based on Toltec wisdom, this book is “a practical guide to personal freedom.” It simplifies the beliefs and blockages that bind us to a limited life. I’m still just in the beginning of reading it, but it has guidance that could be very helpful to anyone. The author discusses agreements which we have embedded in our being which creates blocks for us to live a full and happy life. By learning about the Four Agreements, it breaks down your actions and beliefs into a very simple way to realign yourself, how you think of yourself, how you think of others, and how you continue interacting with those around you.

“Letting Go” by Dr. David R. Hawkins. This is a book about surrender. Detachment from expectations and outcome, letting go of that which is holding you back, preventing you from being able to move forward. The author discusses how we hold onto things in unhealthy ways, in ways which create further blocks creating stuckness. It describes how to let go of anything big or small, letting go of the attachment we have of having control, of having an outcome be a certain way, how that attachment can actually lead to lack and unhappiness.

Reading books gives us the opportunity to escape, learn, entertain, share experiences, travel, appreciate, and experiment. You can read about other peoples adventures, learn how to cook new things, learn about a new subject, let your imagine run wild in fantasy and even just have some fun!

While most of my reading tends to be related to the health field in some way, I try to also treat myself to mysteries, adventure and fantasy as well. While I am learning and growing with the books listed above, I think next on the list will be something just for fun. Letting go of the left brain cerebral thinking, and just letting loose stories where I can lose myself in the twists and turns of someone else's imagination.

A recent work of Fiction that I read was Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. As a big King fan this book was a must read to begin with. There is so many more things going on in that book than the movie could shine a light on. While the movie was excellent, the book was even better!

I would love to hear any suggestions of what you like to read, or have read that you found to be memorable, please share!

Take care,


        Redwood Whole Health Coaching


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