Getting Out and Gardening


While Summer has been trudging on, somewhat relentlessly at times, I do hope you have had a chance to enjoy the summer a bit. The weather has been pretty warm. It’s also been difficult to have the usual gatherings this year, least not in the same way. I’m sure though, you have managed to reinvent summertime fun with friends and family. Luckily, I’ve been able to enjoy some time off from work and spend some time with my family and relaxing.

Another way I like to relax is to do some gardening. Establishing a garden can give you a good feeling of accomplishment, and the benefit of foods you grew yourself to enjoy and share with your family.

Gardening can be done big medium or small. You can do a great big garden in your yard if you have the room and time. You can do a raised garden bed that is moderate in size that may be easier to manage. You can even do container gardening, which can be portable, done on a smaller scale, even if you don’t have a yard.

I chose to stick to growing fresh herbs last year and this year. I find these easy to manage, not overwhelming time wise, and the herbs add a lot of flavor to foods I make. It gives me extra satisfaction to use the herbs I grew myself!

Growing Fresh Herbs:

There are many kinds of herbs you can choose from. They can be grown indoors or out. You can use several in one large container or split each one up in different containers. You can grow herbs on a small or large budget. Also, if you are concerned about how effective your green thumb is, you can start out with one or a few plants and see how it goes.

I chose to grow Basil, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, Dill, Oregano, Chives, and Rosemary. They all smell so wonderful, and you can pick them straight off and use them! I also have a couple of tomato plants. They have yet to fruit, but they are growing well.

Tending to a garden can have many other benefits. It can be almost meditative and relaxing. There is something about being in nature, pruning plants, working with the earth and enjoying the fresh air. It’s nice to just shut off any electronics, music, TV, podcasts etc., and just listen to the outdoors too! Hearing the birds, the wind, dogs barking in the distance (or not so distant!)

Here are some other places that have tips on Gardening Herbs:

                8 Common Herb Gardening Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

                How to Pair Fresh Herbs with Produce: The Ultimate Guide

I would love to hear any ideas or experiences you have had gardening or just being in the outdoors! Please comment below!

I am also sharing some links to some upcoming Summit’s that may be useful in improving your health, someone you love, or just some fun information to learn!

The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit is online and FREE from August 10-16, 2020

Gut and Microbiome Rescue Summit, September 7-13, 2020!

Please share any thoughts, insights, or ideas you have for ways to create more balance in your life! I would love to hear what you have to say!

Take care and enjoy the beautiful Summer weather while you can,

Tina Gates ​
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Redwood Whole Health Coaching


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