Opening up the Flow by Letting Go

 Opening up the Flow by Letting Go

Now that we have started well into the new year, I have thought about how I would like to see my year unfold. I thought about things that I have been holding on to, that could be limiting, blocking or preventing me from enjoying a fuller life. Things that weigh me down, negative thinking, excess belongings, clutter that accumulates in life in so many ways.

Focusing on “Letting Go” of that which no longer serves me, lifts my energy, and the energy around me. By letting go of things we can open up ourselves to great opportunities! Lifting up the energy will let in the ability to enjoy more, move forward, or explore new things in our lives. This can improve our quality of life.

There are different types of things that we can “let go” of. Such as:

  • Limiting beliefs - "I can't..." "I don't deserve...." "I'm not good enough." 
  • A negative attitude, a resistant thought, and the fear of change or success.
  • Thoughts, and expectations - these can cause blocks preventing living to our full and true potential. These can be about ourselves or others.
  • Physical and tangible things we can “let go” of, clothing, old furniture, appliances, books, things we no longer use or can make use of. 
  • A job we no longer enjoy or are passionate about.
  • People or relationships that may be negative or toxic. 
Some friends, co-workers, or family members can be draining. Maybe they demand lots of time and attention from you, but never seem to repay the same kindness towards you. In these cases, it may be beneficial to Let go of this type of relationship. Some relationships may be difficult to let go completely, especially when they are close family members. So, we can instead let go of the expectation that we may hold about how that person should be or should interact with us. We can accept them as they are without any expectation and let go of the frustration or disappointment that we may have endured. Trying to hold onto your desire for that other person to change, can just be disappointing, frustrating, and cause more tension in the relationship when they cannot change. 

Detaching yourself from a toxic or draining situation, conversation or person, even if it is just psychologically detaching, can prevent you from going down the negativity drain with them. It helps you stay focused on what is good and what is working for you too. A helpful tool for relationships that you cannot completely remove yourself from is a book called:

Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself

Written by Melody Beattie, this book contains a lot of information and insight into these kinds of difficult and challenging relationships. When you can detach and let go of a situation or the outcome, you keep the focus not on what the other is doing or not doing, there is a certain freedom in that. Your attention can go to other things going on around you that could be more enjoyable. This book is able to help you understand and see how your own behavior or actions can actually contribute to more stress and negative outcomes in the long run. I know it has helped me tremendously, I cannot change or control what is going on around me, only how I react to those things.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and have the wisdom to know the difference”

This quote, known as "The Serenity Prayer", is used by many 12 step programs as a mantra to let go of things we cannot control or change and focus on what we can. Repeating this or any other similar saying to yourself in time of stress can help you find more peace in the moment.

By choosing to focus on the more positive aspects of the relationship, we observe and let go of the parts that bring us down. This will help you find more peace and sometimes can enhance the relationship. To accept that others are where they are, not judging, and finding what is working in the relationship we can decrease the stress levels for both parties, and find more enjoyment.

When letting go of things, we are changing the kind of energy that surrounds us in our lives. Holding onto things that impact us in a negative way increases the stress and negative energy around us. When we let go of this, the negative energy also lifts and helps open the door for new opportunities by creating a positive flow of energy.

There are lots of ways we hold onto things that can prevent us from having a joyous quality of life. So the key is to let go of what is no longer serving you, so you can let in many more new opportunities and relationships that will bring you experiences that elevate your energy in a positive way.

What kinds of things can you let go of? Can you think of how letting go of items, beliefs, control, expectations, or attitudes may help lift your mood, your spirit, and your energy? Think about a time when you refused to let something bring you down and enjoyed yourself anyway. Did that bring in a good positive feeling? That’s what I am talking about!  Now is a good time to look around you, figure out what is weighing you down, clutter, old clothes you don’t wear, seeing the glass half full, thinking everyone is out to get you, and let it go. If it is something that brings you down, let it go and find yourself, your mood, and your energy lifted and enjoying a greater quality of life!

Please share in the comments anything you have let go in the past or can let go of now that has been weighing you down energetically. You can make a weekly or monthly goal to let go of things. Start in one room in your house at a time and begin to let go of the old, and let in the new. You'll be amazed at how it makes you feel!

Tina Gates ​
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Redwood Whole HealthCoaching

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