Gratitude & Prosperity

Entering the New Year with a New Outlook can Increase Prosperity

The importance of Gratitude:

When we are young children we are always reminded to "Be Grateful for what you have." Sometimes through daily life it can be easy to lose sight of this. We get busy focusing on everyday tasks, busy with life. Taking a moment to appreciate that which we can be Grateful for doesn't always come automatically.

How Gratitude draws in more Prosperity:

It is an interesting thing, Gratitude. When you focus on things that are positive and good in your life, it tends to draw more positive and good things into your life exponentially. One of the ways this works may be because when you are more focused on what is positive and good, you tend to notice the good things and people that are going on around you more. Another way it may work has to do with energies. When you focus your energy and attention on good and positive things, you are also simultaneously attracting more good and positive things into your life.

How to bring Gratitude into a daily practice:

One way to do this is to have a daily Gratitude journal. This can be something you write in at the beginning or end of your day when you reflect and list out things you are Grateful and Thankful for. You can use a journal that is as simple as a little notebook, or you can use a journal app, or other electronic journal in your word or notebook program.

You can also just give yourself a few minutes a day, or throughout the day to have a Gratitude moment, where you out loud or thoughtfully note things you are Grateful for in that moment.

I like to turn unfortunate moments into Gratitude moments as well. Like when something goes wrong, you drop a dish or spill something, I will say, "if that's the worst thing that happens today then I am doing good!"  It allows that unfortunate moment to pass without dwelling on it, or letting it start to impact the rest of my day negatively. This usually has allowed the rest of my day to go joyously and smoothly.

To find and recognize moments and things that we are Grateful for is a great way to being to change our over all outlook on life. It has for myself, created a flow of things moving in and through my life that I am much more appreciative about. Even little things, I can look at and realize some positive aspect it has brought me that I can have Gratitude for. This is a wonderful practice to incorporate that isn't expensive or time consuming.

I hope you try out a Gratitude practice for yourself and see what wonderful things you begin to experience! Share your experiences in the comments below.

Bless you and have a safe and Happy New Year!


"When you Change the way you look at things, the things you look at Change." 
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Redwood Whole Health Coaching


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