The Power of Healing Yourself

The Power of Healing Yourself
     Each of us has been given the innate gift of being able to Heal Ourselves. There have been a lot of research and books on the subject. One such book I highly recommend is The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. In Dr. Lipton's book he makes a fantastic case that your health and healing is not as controlled by genetics as we thought.


     The subject of Epigenetics is fast growing and being scientifically proven and supported. Epigenetics is: the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. This information is eye opening and inspiring to know you have more control over your health than we have been lead to believe. So what kind of things can influence your genes to change themselves?
  • Stress
  • Sleep deprivation/inadequacy
  • Emotional trauma
  • External environment such as toxins, harsh work or home environment
  • Poor or inadequate diet
  • Dehydration
  • High levels of anxiety or fear
  • and yes your Beliefs
     The above items can come in many forms. The stress for instance can be work stress, family stress, health stress, financial stress etc. Each of these things causes stress on your body which weakens your immune system. When your immune system is weakened the stressors effect it more harshly. Your body can become in a constant state of fight or flight, like if you are being chased by a tiger. In that particular life threatening situation it makes sense for your body to pool all of its energy into getting you to a safe place, or fighting off the tiger. When your body is in this mode, it has decreased the energy it puts into your health maintenance needs, such as making a stronger immune system. If you are eaten by the tiger an immune response will not save you. So it is important to find ways to teach your body to be in a relaxation, immune building mode. In order to do this you have to change how you deal with or respond to current stress, as well as remove stress from your life that can be changed or removed. 

     On the level of Quantum physics, and Biology of Belief, you can additionally change how your body responds to stress by changing your belief of what you think those stresses are doing to impact your health. By changing your mindset you change how your body responds. This can create a sort of shield effect where you will no longer feel the negative effects of those stresses. So, how do you change your mindset? There are a couple of resources I am going to share with you. Two of the most prominent and effective practitioners in this area are Dr. Dawson Church and Dr. Joe Dispenza who both use energy psychology methods to change lives. Their methods can effect both psychological problems as well as physical. They both have many books and videos available that help reprogram the mind which then changes how your own biology is expressed physiologically. This can prevent, improve and heal chronic conditions. 

     You can find more information here on their websites:
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza who wrote "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" among other books
  • Dr. Dawson Church author of "Mind to Matter" which uses Emotional Freedom Technique to help change thought patterns and process blocks.
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton who wrote "Biology of Belief" as well as several other books on epigenetics and how gene expression is impacted and can be changed by our beliefs.
     Each of these authors, have free to view videos that are very informational and mind opening that can be found either on each of their websites or on YouTube. 

     The power of healing is within yourself. If you are able to let go of limiting beliefs you may find a path to healing even the most chronic conditions.

     If you get a chance to read Biology of Belief, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, or Mind to Matter, they are well worth the time.

     I would love to hear any thoughts on these books or any other resources you may have on this subject, please share in the comments!

Hope your October has been beautiful and refreshing!

Tina 🎃

Redwood Whole Health Coaching

Disclaimer: I get absolutely no benefit from any given source for any resources shared, these recommendations are based solely on my own opinions and experiences with the information from those resources. 


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