Gratefulness Opens the Universe & Lifts your Spirits

Being Grateful as I enter the Holiday and the New Year

During this time of year when there is so much holiday rushing around, and it gets dark so early, I have trouble motivating and feeling joy. Worrying about Christmas presents, finances, feeling like there is not enough time to get everything done, can make me feel rather anxious. So one way I find that I can get myself out of this slump is by being grateful and focusing on the positives and what IS going right.

What is Gratitude? It is the "State of being Grateful: Thankfulness" According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary.

Cultivating Gratitude can be a practice that gets you looking for everything going right in your life, even the little things, instead of what's not working out. One way to integrate this practice into your life is to start a Gratitude journal. You can choose to take a few minutes in the morning or evening and write down 3-5 things you are grateful for. These can be little or really big things in your life or day. Like:
  • "I am grateful for how beautiful the sunrise is this morning."
  • "I am grateful for not having any pain in my joints today."
  • "I am grateful for my nice warm cup of coffee."
  • "I am grateful for the affection my puppies give me when I come home from work."
  • "I am grateful for having enough income to pay my bills."
When you start looking at things that come into your life, however small that lifts your spirit, or gives you a smile, things start to bloom in a positive direction. Soon you look at your glass as half-full, and there will be less focus on what you previously thought was lacking in your life. 

This time of year is a great time to reflect on what good things have entered your life as you move forward into your hopes and dreams for the new year. By being grateful as a daily practice you can start to have joy flowing throughout your day, and it will overflow into everything you do, and everyone you interact with.

Gratefulness and Gratitude help me to brighten even the darkest of days. I hope that you bring this practice into your day and find peace and joy all around you!

Many blessings for the Holidays and for the New Year!




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