Food/Lifestyle Documentaries

Have you been looking for more information on how to improve your current health and lifestyle? With so much information out there on the internet and books you can find enough information to make you dizzy. One option I find easy to digest is watching food and health documentaries. In many the authors have already sifted through much data and studies to give you the essential important and often times life saving information!

started out on my current health improvement journey about 3 years ago. With symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, being overweight, borderline diabetic, fatigue, short of breath with increased activity like going up a lot of stairs, I was worried if I didn't do something soon to change this path I was on, I would end up like so many others with chronic debilitating diseases. This motivated me to learn what I could about health, food, and lifestyle changes. With documentaries I have been able to learn a lot of information from not only very well educated and studied minds, but also real life people who have turned their own health journeys around for the better. 

There are a great number of documentaries out there that have loads of information on health diet and lifestyle. I wanted to share a list of some of ones that I have watched and where you may find them and watch them. Like anything you can take the information with a grain of salt and decide for yourself what makes sense to you, or what sounds like it could be helpful in your own situation. 

These are just a handful of what information is out there in documentary form. There is such a great wealth of information on how food can actually be your medicine. Also some of the above sites have information about food, cooking, meal planning, and lots of the information is free. I have found so much helpful information, I hope you enjoy any or all of the above documentaries and find your way to more.

I would love to hear any comments you have about these or other documentaries that have inspired you!

Many Blessings,



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